The Double Standard Behind Benatar’s Asymmetry Argument for Anti-Natalism
In his book Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence
, David Benatar argues for anti-natalism, the belief that procreation is always wrong. He argues that there is an asymmetry between the values of pleasure and pain for someone who exists and for someone who does not exist, and …
Byronic Unhappiness (Conquest of Happiness Ch. 2)
As described in Bertrand Russell’s book The Conquest of Happiness
, Byronic unhappiness is the idea that unhappiness is the only rational alternative, happiness being for ignorant fools.
What Makes People Unhappy? (Conquest of Happiness Ch. 1)
In The Conquest of Happiness
, Bertrand Russell describes ways to escape from unhappiness and find happiness. This video and post focus on the first chapter, focusing on how self-absorption causes unhappiness.