Evolution by natural selection is a very simple idea that explains so much. Note that these articles are listed in reverse chronological order, meaning latest first. If you are new to the concept of evolution and want to understand it better, I recommend going to the end and starting from the first articles.
What Is the RNA World Hypothesis?
With some more scientific details added, this video from Stated Clearly expresses the same basic idea as I did in Abiogenesis by Natural Selection, which is that life evolved from non-living replicators that were RNA or something similar.
Linguistic Creationism in the Tower of Babel
Creationists are always quick to try to debunk biological evolution, but I have never heard of creationists trying to debunk linguistic evolution. Yet the Bible clearly states that different languages came about by intelligent design, not by evolution. In the story of the Tower of Babel, God changes the languages that the workers are speaking, so that they can no longer communicate with each other.