Linguistic Creationism in the Tower of Babel
Creationists are always quick to try to debunk biological evolution, but I have never heard of creationists trying to debunk linguistic evolution. Yet the Bible clearly states that different languages came about by intelligent design, not by evolution. In the story of the Tower of Babel, God changes the languages that the workers are speaking, so that they can no longer communicate with each other.
Should Women Wear Hijabs?
I saw a Muslim video that claimed women should wear hijabs, because not wearing them led men into the sin of lusting after them, and this made women guilty of a double-sin, not just once, but for each man they attracted. The idea was also expressed that revealing their attractiveness by not wearing a hijab caused men to feel tormented.
A Secular Case Against Gay Marriage?
I was reading an article called Dismantling the Secular Case Against Gay Marriage, which referred back to an article called The Secular Case Against Gay Marriage. I don’t think I was convinced by either argument. The arguments provided against gay marriage were not that great, but the person arguing against the secular case against gay marriage claimed contradictions where there weren’t any, …
Are Religious People Happier?
In the second chapter of Gross National Happiness: Why Happiness Matters for America–and How We Can Get More of It
, Arthur C. Brooks says the data shows that religious people are happier than secular people. What should we make of this?
Questions that May Never be Answered, Answers that May Never be Questioned
In Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
, Daniel Dennett provides this quotation from an anonymous source:
Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.