Ethics is the branch of philosophy that concerns itself with how people should live and behave. Here you will find articles on moral issues, the basis of morality, and moral virtue.
The Explanatory Failure of Benatar’s Asymmetry – Part 3
In his book Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence
, David Benatar presents his asymmetry argument for anti-natalism, then claims that his asymmetry is the best explanation for four others. Here I explain why it isn’t a good explanation for the last two asymmetries he brings up.
The Explanatory Failure of Benatar’s Asymmetry – Part 2
In his book Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence
, David Benatar presents his asymmetry argument for anti-natalism, then claims that his asymmetry is the best explanation for four others. Here I explain why it isn’t a good explanation for the second asymmetry he brings up.
The Explanatory Failure of Benatar’s Asymmetry – Part 1
In his book Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence
, David Benatar argues that his asymmetry is the best explanation for four others. Here I explain why it isn’t a good explanation for the first asymmetry he brings up.
The Double Standard Behind Benatar’s Asymmetry Argument for Anti-Natalism
In his book Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence
, David Benatar argues for anti-natalism, the belief that procreation is always wrong. He argues that there is an asymmetry between the values of pleasure and pain for someone who exists and for someone who does not exist, and …
If you don’t believe in God, why live?
Is life meaningless or worthless without God? No, meaningful lives are available even without God, and life is the sort of thing that is inherently worthwhile. This article, and its accompanying video, explain why the lives of atheists can be both meaningful and worthwhile.
The Moral Landscape’s Definition of Good
In The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values
, Sam Harris claims that we must “define ‘good’ as that which supports well-being” (12). While this is along the lines of my own axiology, I do not take this to be the very definition of good, and that is what I’ll take issue with.